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Dazzle Shadow Priest 1 Hit Kill

Once a member of a secluded troll tribe before a hostile scourge takeover, Dazzle was highly revered as a master of the supporting magics. However, upon making a pact with Kel-Thuzad to save his very life, he slowly became corrupt. Noted for being able to crush the defensive abilities of his opponents while allowing his allies to last longer in battle, he is not one to take lightly on the battlefield. Rumors abound that he can bring once-dead allies back to life, so they can march again to defend the honor of the Frozen Throne.

Poison Touch

A poisonous magic is placed on an enemy unit causing it to move slowly becoming paralyzed. The longer the poison takes to set in, the slower the unit will become. After the poison sets in, it takes physical damage per second for 7 seconds. Target moves slower per level.

Level 1 - 7 damage. Takes 1 second to set in.
Level 2 - 14 damage. Takes 2 seconds to set in.
Level 3 - 21 damage. Takes 3 seconds to set in.
Level 4 - 28 damage. Takes 3 seconds to set in.

Cooldown: 15/13/11/9 seconds.

Level 1: 100 mana, 15 sec cooldown.
Level 2: 115 mana, 13 sec cooldown.
Level 3: 130 mana, 11 sec cooldown.
Level 4: 145 mana, 9 sec cooldown.


A powerful shadow magic used to increase or decrease a targets defenses over time. Changes armor by 1 every pulse.
Lasts 17 seconds.

Level 1 - 4 Pulses.
Level 2 - 8 Pulses.
Level 3 - 12 Pulses.
Level 4 - 16 Pulses.

Cooldown: 20 seconds.

Level 1: 100 mana, 20 sec cooldown.
Level 2: 100 mana, 20 sec cooldown.
Level 3: 100 mana, 20 sec cooldown.
Level 4: 100 mana, 20 sec cooldown.
Shadow Wave

Sends forth a Shadow Wave to heal a few units. Healed units also damage a small area around them for the same amount. Dissipated damage is Physical.

Level 1 - Dissipates 80 damage. 3 targets.
Level 2 - Dissipates 100 damage. 3 targets.
Level 3 - Dissipates 120 damage. 3 targets.
Level 4 - Dissipates 140 damage. 4 targets.

Cooldown: 12/10/8/6 seconds.

Level 1: 80 mana, 12 sec cooldown.
Level 2: 90 mana, 10 sec cooldown.
Level 3: 100 mana, 8 sec cooldown.
Level 4: 110 mana, 6 sec cooldown.
Shallow Grave

The next time target allied hero dies, he will revive in 40% of the regular time and will not lose gold. Revives with full mana. The enemy still gets gold and experience. Dying unit will deal physical damage to its killer if it was a hero. The buff lasts 360 seconds on the target.

Level 1 - Returns 150 damage.
Level 2 - Returns 300 damage.
Level 3 - Returns 450 damage.

Cooldown: 200/175/150 seconds.

Level 1: 100 mana, 200 sec cooldown.
Level 2: 200 mana, 175 sec cooldown.
Level 3: 300 mana, 150 sec cooldown.

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