Creates an abyss upon a chosen parameter, pulling in and damaging foes in the area.
Level 1 - 60 Damage. 300 AOE.
Level 2 - 120 Damage. 400 AOE.
Level 3 - 180 Damage. 500 AOE.
Level 4 - 240 Damage. 600 AOE.
Cooldown: 16
Manacost: 100/130/160/190
Level 2: 130 mana, 16 sec cooldown.
Level 3: 160 mana, 16 sec cooldown.
Level 4: 190 mana, 16 sec cooldown.
Surrounds a target with energized spellwork, creating a shield that causes damage per second to enemy units who come in contact with it. Lasts 15 seconds.
Level 1 - 30 damage per second
Level 2 - 45 damage per second
Level 3 - 60 damage per second
Level 4 - 75 damage per second
Cooldown: 15
Manacost: 60/80/100/120
Level 2: 80 mana, 15 sec cooldown.
Level 3: 100 mana, 15 sec cooldown.
Level 4: 120 mana, 15 sec cooldown.
Floods a target with excess power giving it maximum speed for brief period of time.
Level 1 - Lasts 2 Seconds.
Level 2 - Lasts 3.5 Seconds.
Level 3 - Lasts 5.0 Seconds.
Level 4 - Lasts 6.5 Seconds.
Cooldown: 12/11/10/9
Manacost: 20/30/40/50
Level 2: 30 mana, 11 sec cooldown.
Level 3: 40 mana, 10 sec cooldown.
Level 4: 50 mana, 9 sec cooldown.
Raises a wall out of pure mana across the landscape. Heroes who attempt to pass through it will have images of themselves emerge from the wall to serve under the Dark Seer until the wall's duration is up. Images take 250% damage and deal 35%.
Level 1 - Lasts 15 seconds.
Level 2 - Lasts 30 seconds.
Level 3 - Lasts 45 seconds.
Cooldown: 100
Mana Cost: 200/300/400
Cast Range: 500/900/1300
Level 2: 300 mana, 100 sec cooldown.
Level 3: 400 mana, 100 sec cooldown.
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