While the murloc race is often seen as a primitive, unintelligent one of sorts, even such an unorganized species is wise enough to collaborate and pool efforts in order to achieve the greater good - in this case, salvation for one's own race. The fall of the ancients was seen to the fish-men as the dawn of the day of their demise - and so, amongst them one was chosen to fight the Scourge in the interest of protecting themselves and their seas from destructions. Mrrrrgurrrul was born to a great murloc seer in the sunken ruins of the murloc capital, Rrrrgus. Thus, he seemed the most viable candidate for fighting for his people. So he set off to fulfill the prophecy and bring salvation to not only fishkind, but the world itself.
Mrrrrgurrrul - Murloc Puddle Jumper
Range: 125 | Move Speed: 300
Primary: AGI
Str: 16 + 1.55 | Agi: 22 + 3 | Int: 15 + 1.75
Damage: 60 - 66 | HP: 454 | Mana: 195
HP Regen: 0.73 | Mana Regen: 0.61
Attack Speed: 1.44 | Armor: 4
Puddle (D) Mrrrrgurrrul creates a puddle of water at target location. While in the influence of puddles or any other source of water, Mrrrrgurrrul has increased hp regeneration and movement speed. Enemies within the influence of the puddles have decreased movement speed. Maximum 2 Puddles, lasts indefinitely, and Mrrrrgurrrul can leap to his nearest if within range. Level 1 - Increases HP regeneration by 2 per second and movement speed by 5% while in water. Enemies within the Puddle have movement speed decreased by 5%. Blink range is 800. Level 2 - Increases HP regeneration by 4 per second and movement speed by 10% while in water. Enemies within the Puddle have movement speed decreased by 5%. Blink range is 950. Level 3 - Increases HP regeneration by 6 per second and movement speed by 15% while in water. Enemies within the Puddle have movement speed decreased by 10%. Blink range is 1100. Level 4 - Increases HP regeneration by 8 per second and movement speed by 20% while in water. Enemies within the Puddle have movement speed decreased by 15%. Blink range is 1300. Mana Cost: 120 | 100 | 90 | 75 Cooldown: 25 Framework: Picture a huge moon well, minus the actual moonwell - the water left is what the puddle would look like. Notes: The passive boosts of this skill is given not only in the influence of Mrrrrgurrrul's puddles, but also in the river that centers the map. Think of the Spin Web ability Broodmother has when you think of this move - he has slight vision of the puddles as well, and cannot use Boots of Travel to reach them. The primary purpose of this move is more clear if you look at Mrrrrgurrrul's other techniques, but for the most part it allows for pushing, fleeing, and a place for stationary combat situations (like early game lane pushing.) Now the Puddle, as per the change, comes with a Snare and Blink - Obviously this makes for some anti-hero potential, allowing you to not only pursue with your blink but to slow fleeing heroes for you and your team to deal with. | |
Sea Sickness (N/A) Mrrrrgurrrul's coral-encrusted blade can infect wounds, weakening enemies and damaging them if the wounds come into contact with water - whether Puddle or river. Last 6 seconds. Level 1 - 15% chance to activate on hit, lowers afflicted unit's movement speed by 5%, and afflicted units take 15 damage/second if within water. Level 2 - 15% chance to activate on hit, lowers afflicted unit's movement speed by 5%, and afflicted units take 30 damage/second if within water. Level 3 - 25% chance to activate on hit, lowers afflicted unit's movement speed by 5%, and afflicted units take 45 damage/second if within water. Level 4 - 25% chance to activate on hit, lowers afflicted unit's movement speed by 5%, and afflicted units take 60 damage/second if within water. Mana Cost: N/A Cooldown: 6 Framework: Enemies afflicted will tint green and give off a poison animation akin to either plague cloud or normal poisons. Notes: This is his passive - it snares for 5%, not much but it stacks to 20% with a Puddle. So it isn't a stand alone move - but the damage it deals has been powered up. After six seconds of river-time that's a whopping 360 damage, same if in a Puddle but they'll be slowed longer too, which hopefully will keep them in it for the full duration of the damage ticks. In any case, the move can only trigger once every six seconds - it'd be ridiculously strong otherwise on an agility hero. Nonetheless, you won't win a river-fight very easily against Mrrrrgurrrul. | |
Tidal Delirium (T) Mrrrrgurrrul's adapts well to his land environments despite missing his ocean home - but he is still a master of submerged tussling. He can switch between two combat stances - his base stance offers an evasion chance, and his other stance increases his attack speed. Evasion in Aqua Dementia is increased by 5% and attack speed in Tidal Delirium is doubled if in water. Level 1 - Aqua Dementia increases chance to dodge by 4%, Tidal Delirium increases attack speed by 5%. Level 2 - Aqua Dementia increases chance to dodge by 8%, Tidal Delirium increases attack speed by 10%. Level 3 - Aqua Dementia increases chance to dodge by 12%, Tidal Delirium increases attack speed by 15%. Level 4 - Aqua Dementia increases chance to dodge by 16%, Tidal Delirium increases attack speed by 20%. Mana Cost: N/A Cooldown: N/A Framework: Mrrrrgurrrul is blue in Aqua Dementia and green in Tidal Delirium, and the icons correspond to what color he would turn (green or blue murloc face.) Notes: He is in neither stance and gets neither bonuses without points in this skill - and he can switch at any time for no cost and no cooldown. Now that it is out of the water... I made this move at the premise of him being able to evade for fighting defensively and attack faster (therefore proccing more poisons/orbs) for fighting offensively. Most will view Aqua Dementia as simply a mechanic of fleeing, but I see it as a variation of build and strategy - build attack speed to compliment his evasion or build damage/orbs to compliment his increased attack speed. Imagine that. Oh, and naturally it is much more effective in water. Catching a Tidal Delirium Mrrrrgurrrul smashing you with Sea Sickness in the river is no fun. | |
Belly Flop (F) Mrrrrgurrrul dives fearlessly into one of his puddles! This move deals damage and stuns enemy units caught in the splash, and knocks all units in or near the puddle away. The Puddle is destroyed this way. Due to the concussive force of his water landing, Mrrrrgurrrul is stunned as well. Level 1 - 300 Range, damage dealt is equal to x2 Mrrrrgurrrul's total agility plus 200. Stuns for 1 second. Level 2 - 400 Range, damage dealt is equal to x3 Mrrrrgurrrul's total agility plus plus 200. Stuns for 2 seconds. Level 3 - 600 Range, damage dealt is equal to x4 Mrrrrgurrrul's total agility plus plus 200. Stuns for 3 seconds. The Knockback affects all units, even allies, but the damage/stun only affects enemies. The Knockback is based on your distance from the center(origin) of the Puddle that is triggered by this move - more if closer, less if further away. Since the radius of the puddle is 300 (total circumferance 600, subject to change if by popular demand) then this is the equation: 300 - d + 100, where d is equal to the distance from the origin. So, the knockback generally knocks you just out of the rim of the puddle. You knock down trees and whatnot, and the stun takes effect after you stop moving. Mana Cost: 120 | 180 | 225 Cooldown: 110 Framework: A movement akin to the leap-effect of of Tiny's Throw move, and when he lands in the puddle, a large splash effect on the center of the puddle and on the base of all units hit by it - as well as an outward-from-the-middle set of water-tinted carrion swarm animations, to simulate a quick flow of water. The Puddle itself seeps into the ground somewhat slowly - an abrupt vanish would look silly. Note - Mrrrgurrrul lands in the MIDDLE of the puddle before being stunned, and enemies will always be knocked AWAY from the middle of the puddle. Notes: Quite a big change, a lot of you will see. Based on your agility you'll do aoe damage to anyone within 300 of the Puddle's origin, so that's just in the rim of it. That means that to use it at bottom rank he has to be in the puddle himself, since the Puddle has a radius of 300 and an overall end to end width of 600 - the middle is the point used for reference here, for the landing. So, this move will: 'Teleport' the Murloc to the middle of his nearest puddle if within range Do AOE dmg based on his total (with items) agility to nearby enemies Stun him and the enemies for 3 seconds Knockback enemies and allies to 100 beyond the rim of where the puddle is/was, beginning the stun after the knockback for enemies. Remove the Puddle - he has to place another, now. |
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